

Disclaimer/No Legal Advice/No Attorney-Client Relationship

The information on this site is for general informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a legal opinion. This site is intended to provide internet users with a broad overview of the services offered by DeFrenza Lee LLP as well as the expertise of its attorneys and staff.  This site is not intended as advertising or a solicitation. DeFrenza Lee LLP does not seek to represent anyone based solely on a visit to this site or upon receiving advertising from us, where to do so would not comply with applicable law and rules of ethics. 

Contacting us by telephone, email or other means, or transmitting information to us, will not establish an attorney-client relationship.  The attorney-client relationship can only be established after we have determined that we are able and willing to accept the engagement and we have entered into a written engagement agreement.  Until then, do not send any confidential information to us.  Information communicated without such authorization may not be treated as confidential, secret or otherwise be protected from disclosure.